Without a doubt, earning a degree in finance is a wise choice. As with all career choices, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider, however, why give negativity the time of day? Here, we will focus on the positive!
In most cases, entry-level positions in finance can lead to a lucrative paycheck. Depending on your specialty, you can begin a finance career with approximately $60,000 per year, however, if you work your way up to upper management, you can earn upwards of $169,940 annually. Additional certifications can help you add to your earnings, as well.
Keep in mind that earning your online Bachelor of Finance degree can be applied to most any type of career choice such as in banking, real estate, insurance, or any large corporation in which money is exchanged. Since finance experts are tasked with looking toward the future, most companies appreciate those who can give sound financial advice regarding upcoming investments, either locally or internationally.
In addition to getting the job you want, a finance degree will allow you to change careers at any time if you decide to do so. Have you ever wanted to open your own business? Do you have an idea for a product or service you would like to bring to the public? Go for it… your online Bachelor’s degree in Finance will help you realize your dream by providing you with the knowledge needed to make good business decisions.
Careers in finance are readily available and once you’ve established your standing within a company through hard work and dedication, you will enjoy stability and security. Your degree program will give you the confidence needed to work anywhere in the finance industry you choose.
Use your financial expertise to invest your own money wisely. It’s never too early to start saving for your future, at whatever stage in life you are at. With the skills you learn from your online Bachelor of Finance degree program, you can build your wealth by making wise investments, saving for a new home, as well as, putting away for your kid’s college education. And… how does a vacation home sound? Not bad… right?
Now, to be honest, a career in finance might not be the most exciting career opportunity out there. Your personality must allow you to sit behind a desk and a calculator may become your best friend.
If sitting still is not for you, you may want to re-evaluate your career choice, although, excitement can ensue; everything can turn fast-paced and stressful on a dime. But, rest assured, there are other aspects of finance you will enjoy, such as, getting to know your clients, helping them grow and cultivate their financial garden, and the personal satisfaction you will receive by doing so. If you are working with a larger corporation, you may enjoy traveling to other locations or even internationally to land that deal!
In finance, you will probably have a regular work schedule. That is very important to most people who enjoy an active home life with their families. Most often, office hours are typically eight to five, Monday through Friday. You’ll have your weekends off to enjoy those little league games or gymnastic competitions!
So, what are you waiting for? We have compiled a list of the Best Online Schools for Bachelor’s in Finance Programs for your convenience.