Before you graduate from high school, no doubt, you have given some serious thought to your future. From day one, parents and grandparents have asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Upon your high school graduation, hopefully, you have a good answer to that question. It may include obtaining your bachelor’s degree online or on-campus!
An Associate Degree Comes First
Your journey should begin with earning an undergraduate degree, typically your associate degree. This program usually lasts two years. As you continue along your educational journey, it will be time to get particularly serious about an area of focus or concentration. Earning an online bachelor’s degree will help you obtain your goal. This program, as well, should take you another two years to complete.
The Undergraduate Degree, aka Bachelor’s Degree
A bachelor’s degree is within the framework of education, which is referred to as an undergraduate degree. Once you have successfully completed your associate degree program and then your bachelor’s program, you are awarded a bachelor’s degree (by the way, the fancy name is a baccalaureate degree).
Most employers appreciate someone who has gone the extra mile in earning their bachelor’s degree. It shows that you are a serious student of your craft and, in fact, a bachelor’s degree is the preferred degree for the most lucrative job opportunities.
Two Types of Bachelor’s Degrees
There are two common degrees within the realm of a bachelor’s program. They include the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree and the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. In some areas of concentration, specialized degrees are given.
- The Bachelor of Arts program allows for more general education curricula, including the basics, in addition to some core topics that the student may wish to pursue as a career option.
- The Bachelor of Science program tends to allow the student a more specialized area of study in their major such as in mathematics or science. This degree typically requires fewer general education courses.
Don’t wait any longer if you have always desired to further your education. With the flexibility an online program provides, you will never regret it. Good luck in your endeavors!
View and peruse our list of rankings of the best Online Bachelor’s Degrees